MTBE (Methyl t-Butylether) Removal Effectiveness

Seagull® IV water purifiers with RS-1SG Cartridge

A single RS-1SG cartridge was evaluated for removal of MTBE over a test duration of 1,000 gallons.

The Seagull IV system with RS-1SG cartridge was installed on a test stand and operated for one minute on/one minute off at a flow rate of one gpm.

At the selected test points, the system was removed from the test stand and challenged by pumping one liter of water spiked with MTBE into the system. Influent, Effluent and Blank (control) samples were taken at each test point.

Samples were analyzed by a certified, outside testing laboratory using gas chromatography, with a mass spectrometer (Methods 5242/8260A). The laboratory reported that influent (before) levels were exceedingly high, more than 500 to 700 times highest levels of MTBE reported to date, and more than 800 times levels normally used in removal evaluations. This resulted in atmospheric contamination in the lab and initial saturation of the GC column. This may explain the slight amount 0.003 mg/l detected at the 500 gallons point.

Results are as follows:

Concentration (mg/l)
Date Gallons At Test Before After % Reduction
5/16/00 500 12.800 0.003* 99.98
5/16/00 1,000 17.600 >0.002 99.99

Conclusion: As seen by the results, removal effectiveness, even at these exceedingly high influent concentrations, was excellent.