Seagull® IV Water Purifiers- Product Data Sheet 

for United States Standards

General Ecology presents data from testing specifically selected to demonstrate product effectiveness in removing those contaminants most frequently encountered in water supplies. Please note that all General Ecology test results represent performance using actual contaminants, not substitute surrogates.

This Performance Data Sheet shows some of the removal capabilities of Seagull IV Water Purifiers. It is recommended that before purchasing a water treatment unit you have your water supply tested to determine your actual water treatment needs.

Seagull IV® Drinking Water Purifiers

Product Brand Name:

  • Seagull IV X-1 Drinking Water Purification System – Configuration B,F,P,KF
  • Seagull IV X-2 Drinking Water Purification System – Configuration B,KB,KF
  • Seagull IV X-6 Drinking Water Purification System

Operating Conditions:
Seagull IV X-1 purifier Seagull IV X-2 purifier Seagull IV X-6 purifier
Housing Material Stainless Steel Housing
Cartridge RS-1SG RS-2SG RS-6SG
Flow Rate @ 30 psi – gmp (lpm) 1 gpm (3.8 lpm) 2 gpm (7.6 lpm) 6 gpm (23 lpm)
Average Capacity gallons (litres) 1000 gal. (3800 ltr.) 2000 gal. (7600 ltr.) 6000 gal. (23000 ltr.)
pH min/max 5/9
Particle Retention (microns) .1 nominal
.4 absolute
Temperature Range F° (C°) 33° – 100° (1° to 38°) – do not freeze
  • No electricity is required.
  • Flow rate and capacity will depend on operation conditions and source water characteristics.
  • The cartridge should be replaced annually, when the flow rate drops to an inconvenient level or if tastes and odours should become evident.
  • Intended for cold water use.
  • Intended for fresh water use only. Does not desalinate.

Test conditions : All tests were conducted under standard operating conditions as previously stated for rated capacity of cartridge.

Performance Notice: These data are based on documented results from specific testing and are generally regarded as indicative of the effectiveness to be expected but are not specific claims of performance. Performance may vary due to water characteristics and system operating conditions.